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The volume of a pond 2008-11-04
Malcolm pose la question :
I am looking for a formula to find the volume of my pond. I know the average surface diameter and the average bottom arc length.(The arc from one bank through a point in the bottom and on to the surface on the other bank. I am not able to get a good measurement of the depth at this time. Can the volume be figured with the known measurements (the cord and the arc)? Thanks: MS
Harley Weston lui répond.
A trig identity 2008-11-03
Student pose la question :
verify cos(2x)=(cot(x)-tan(x))/(cot(x)+tan(x))
Penny Nom lui répond.
Partial variation 2008-11-03
Diamond pose la question :
what are the 2 parts of partial variation?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Job applicants 2008-11-03
dave pose la question :
Three-fourths of the applicants for a position had previous experience. If 144 people applied, how many had previous experience? How many did not have previous experience.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A belt drives a pulley 2008-11-03
Rebecca pose la question :
A point on a belt is moving at the rate of 30 ft/sec and the belt drives a pulley at the rate of 200 rpm. What is the radius of the pulley?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An arch is in the form of a semi ellipse 2008-11-03
jessica pose la question :
An arch in the form of a semi ellipse has a span of 10 meters and a central height of 4 m. Find the heights of the arch at a point of 3 meters from the semi minor axis.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three consecutive odd integers 2008-11-03
kim pose la question :
Determine three consecutive odd integers such that twice the sum of the second and third is 29 less than 5 times the first.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The part before the repetend 2008-11-02
Puerto pose la question :
Hello, I teach mathematics in a bilingual programme using English. I have learned that the group of digits that repeat in a repeating decimal is called repetend but i need to know how are called the previous ones when the decimal is a delayed-repeating one. I mean, in 0.34555555 5 is the repetend, the period is one and...how are called 34? Thanks in advance.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Intercepts 2008-11-02
robert pose la question :
What is the sum of the x-intercept and y-intercept of the line 3x-3y=24?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A goat tied to a rectangular barn 2008-11-02
Misty pose la question :
If there is a goat tied to a rectangular barn on a 50 foot lead and the barn is 20 feet by 20 feet (floor). When the rope goes around the barn, what is the new radius and How much of a circle can it make without hitting the barn or overlapping area you've already found and What is that area?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The prime factorization of one billion 2008-11-02
Alta pose la question :
The prime factorization of 1000 is 2 cubed times 5 cubed. How do you write the prime factorization of one billion using exponents?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle tangent to a line and with its centre on another line 2008-11-01
liza pose la question :
Find the equation of the circle of radius squareroot 26 tangent to the line 5x+y=13 and having its center on the line 3x+y+7=0.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The diameter of a circle 2008-11-01
lupito pose la question :
a circle has a 30`sector,33pi.find the diameter of the circle.How do I set the equation up.
Victoria West lui répond.
How far does the ball travel? 2008-11-01
Betty pose la question :
This is a question that is perplexing me. I tried to solve it with the Pythagorean Theorem but have not been able to get the right answer. A ball attached to the moving end of the 5-meter arm of a pendulum. The pendulum swings through a 90 degree arc once. Approximately how far, in meters, does the ball travel?
Victoria West lui répond.
The angles of a triangle 2008-10-31
kyla pose la question :
an isosceles triangle has two 50 degrees angles.what is the measure of the third angle? explain how you found your answer.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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