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Pool Digit Combinations 2018-04-18
Jacob pose la question :
I need to know all the possible 3 digit combinations from the following pool of digits: 1st pool (1,2,3), 2nd pool (4,5) and the 3rd pool (7,8,9,0). Each pool has to be represented in the combinations.
The numbers can be repeated as long as they are not of the same set. Example for not repeating: 123 is ok but not 321 or 231,132,213, etc.

The question is somehow related to Mike's but the difference is the digits are allocated into pools. Your help can assist me solve a mystery. Thanks.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle inscribed in a quarter circle 2018-04-16
abhijeet pose la question :
ABC is a quarter circle and a smaller circle is inscribed in it. if AB = 1cm then find the radius of smaller circle
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangle in a cube 2018-04-16
Sohel pose la question :
A cube has an edge of 4 cm. A triangle is formed by joining the middle point of one face of the cube to the ends of a diagonal of the opposite face . What will be the area of the triangle ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is small four-digit whole number? 2018-04-15
Rajesh pose la question :
What is small four-digit whole number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The angles of a trapezoid 2018-04-14
Gautham pose la question :
In trapezoid ABCD, sides AB and CD are parallel, \angle A = 2angle D, and angle C = 3angle B. Find angle A.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The mass of a durian 2018-04-14
REEVASSHINIE pose la question :
A watermelon with a mass of 5 kg and two durians with the same mass are placed on an electronic balance.If the reading shown on the balance is m kg,write an expression for the mass of a durian
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of a diagonal of a box 2018-04-13
Valentina pose la question :
A packaging box for a metal rod is 7.5 inches along a diagonal of the base the height of the box is 18 inches what is the lengh of a diagonal of the box?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Covering a region with mulch 2018-04-13
Roberta pose la question :
I have a fall zone area of approx. 700 sq ft. that I have to cover with a 6in depth of mulch. How much mulch would I need to purchase?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Division and remainders 2018-04-12
Yogendra pose la question :
A number is divided by 5,7 and 9. Reminder are 1,2 and 3 respectively. What is the number?. Give suitable calculations.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Graham's money box 2018-04-12
Tasnim pose la question :
Graham's money box consists of sh.10 and sh.5 coins. There are 24 coins and it's total value is 150. Find how many of each coins are there in the box
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sides of a circle 2018-04-10
Reid pose la question :
I recently was wondering about whether or not a circle has an infinite number of sides, and I ended up searching it on your website. I saw that you guys found the question to be too ambiguous or something of that nature, and I thought about your process of reasoning involving vertices and such. I soon realized that I may have come up with the solution to the question, but I want to confirm it with you guys. Allow me to explain:
A circle, unlike any other typical 2 dimensional polygon, can sustain an infinite number of straight lines coming in contact with only one point on it. A square, for example, cannot. A square only has 4 locations that can sustain a such a line, each of those being its corners. The flat edge of a square cannot support a tangential line, because the line would either be crossing the edge of the square or coming into contact with multiple points along its edge.
This concept is consistent in every 2 dimensional polygon: pentagons sustain 5 locations for tangential lines, hexagons 6, nonagons 9, etc. The reason a circle has an infinite number of sides is simply the fact that it must have an infinite number of "corners", assuming it can be defined as a polygon like any of the shapes I described above.
Corners can only exist assuming there is two sides coming into contact with one another. If there is an infinite number of corners in the circle, which is apparent due to the above reasoning, there must be an infinite number of sides coming into contact with each other. Thus, a circle is a polygon that consists of an infinite number of sides coming into contact with each other.
Please review this reasoning and let me know if it is solid.
Thank you!

Penny Nom lui répond.
Rolling 2 dice 2018-04-06
Jose pose la question :
Find the probability p that the sum is as stated when a pair of dice is rolled.

(a) Even and doubles.

(b) Even or doubles.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A side of a square 2018-04-06
Angie pose la question :
I am dyslexic and have problems with spelling and math I'm trying to figure 4.610 Acres Square trying to figure out how many feet or yards of one side if that makes sense to you thank you I'd really appreciate the help
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factoring a quadratic 2018-04-02
Billy pose la question :
I need help factoring the following question: 4x(squared) -10x +16.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The price of a sheet of metal 2018-04-02
Nydia pose la question :
What is the formula to calculate the following:

I nee to find out what the sheet price be. The dimensions are 2000x3000 mm into ft they are 78x1181. The sqft price I have is $22.16. How do I figure out the sheet price from that?

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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