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An equation with rational coefficients 2018-05-26
Anagh pose la question :
If x and y are rational number and
(x+y) + (x - 2y)√2 = 2x -y + (x-y-1) √5

Then find the value of x and y.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Converting inches to centimeters 2018-05-25
Jason pose la question :
Is there a method to approximately convert inches to cm in my head without using a calculator?

Thanks! Jason

Penny Nom lui répond.
Pre tax and post tax percentages 2018-05-22
Tom pose la question :
I work in a clothes shop which can also do mail-orders. My Head Office has sent a report with which we can check the records we keep in store tally with those at HO.

According to that report we have taken £2578.25 in orders, excluding VAT (20%), which would therefore be £3093.91 including VAT (2578.25+20%=3093.91).

According to my records, we have taken £3179.32 including VAT, which would be £2543.45 excluding VAT (3179.32-20%=2543.45).

Why is it that the difference between the VAT inclusive figures (3179.32-3093.91) is +£85.41, but the difference between the VAT exclusive figures (2543.45-2578.26) is -£34.81?

Now, I can see from the report that 1 order has not been recorded by HO, and I know that our average order value is around £30, so the -£34.81 makes sense. But surely both figures should be a minus, regardless of whether they include VAT?

I'm sure there is an obvious answer, but I just cannot see it! Any help would be gratefully received.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The area, radius and slant height of a cone 2018-05-18
joette pose la question :
If you have a cone how to find the slant height when given the area and radius?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Making a cylinder from a metal plate 2018-05-18
Rahul pose la question :
I want to make a cylinder which inside diameter is 600mm and thickness is 5mm and height is 800mm...so my question is that how much plate I need to make this happen
Penny Nom lui répond.
Write these fractions from greatest to the least 2018-05-18
angela pose la question :
math fraction greater to the least

1\5 ,1\2 or 1\4

Penny Nom lui répond.
4 digit "combinations" 2018-05-18
Marvin pose la question :
I am designing a game, and I need away of figuring this out without having to write numerically all these numbers

4 digit combinations 0 through 13 non-repeating

Penny Nom lui répond.
mg to ml 2018-05-17
Carolynne pose la question :
I need to convert 12 mg to ml
density is 12.5mg/5ml
I can give dose of 1mg per pound . My dropper is in ml.
How much in ml can I give

Penny Nom lui répond.
Subdividing a rectangle into squares 2018-05-13
jeverzyck pose la question :
A rectangular board is 108cm wide and 156 cm long Equal squares as large as possible are ruled off this board.Find the size of the square.How many squares are there?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rods,poles and perches 2018-05-13
roy pose la question :
i have some land and its measured in rods poles and perches
how cann i convert to understand it more

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two expressions for the perimeter of a a rectangle 2018-05-13
Slayde pose la question :
A rectangular house has one side 4 metres longer than the other. Create two different expressions for its perimeter. The expressions should be given in factorised and expanded form.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An egg falls from rest 2018-05-10
Amy pose la question :
An egg falls from rest a distance of 75cm to the floor. Neglecting air resistance, at what speed does it hit the floor?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An unknown number 2018-05-10
David pose la question :
Sam chose the number 35 and made up these clues."my number is odd. It is a multiple of 5. It's other factor is greater than 5. My number is less than 40. What is my number and what is it's other factor? Are Sam's clues correct?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The square root 3 in exponential form 2018-05-09
Paige pose la question :
how do you write the square root 3 in exponential form
Penny Nom lui répond.
Converting decimals to common fractions 2018-05-08
Ruth pose la question :
what does the 0 represent in .018 versus the decimal .180? As in, changing these to fractions? Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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