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Interest rate over two periods 2009-04-12
Kenneth pose la question :

How is the average determined for the following amount if it earns compound interest?

Here are my calculations, but I'm not certain that they are correct: Initial amount invested $500.00:

$500.00 @ 5% = $525.00.

$525.00 @ -2% = $514.50.

$14.50/$500.00 = 2.9% divided by 2 equals an average of 1.45%.

If this average, 1.45%, is correct, how can I use 5% and -2% to determine the same average? Is it possible?

I thank you for your reply.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Four-digit numbers 2009-04-11
jp pose la question :
How many four-digit numbers are there?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Expected value 2009-04-11
jp pose la question :
you pay $.50 and pick a four-digit number. The state chooses a four-digit number at random and pays you $2500.00 if your number i chosen. What are the expected winnings from a $.50 Pick 4 wager?
Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
$65.09 is 70% greater than the average price 2009-04-11
Kelly pose la question :
Hello! I know you might be thinking that I didn't look through your previous answers, but I really did. Here's my dilemma- I have a percent increase equation that is missing the 'old" value. I know that $65.09 is 70% greater than the average price, but I do not know the average price. How do I go about finding that? I tried to set up an equation, but its throwing me off because the unknown variable is in there twice, and it's been a long time since I've taken math
Thank you for your help...greatly!

Penny Nom lui répond.
A man travels a total of 8km in 6 hours 2009-04-10
Kieran pose la question :

I was wondering if you could help me with this question! Thank you

A man travels a total of 8km in 6 hours

if his speed was xkm/4hours in the first stage
then his speed was 8-x/2hours in the second part.

If the average speed for the first leg of the journey was 1.1km/h faster than the second part: find x

Penny Nom lui répond.
2sinB=3tanA 2009-04-10
Xanathax pose la question :
ABC is a right-angled triangle. 2sinB=3tanA. Calculate the measure of angle A.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Winding paper after a break 2009-04-10
Olen pose la question :
Question from Olen:

I work in a paper mill and have been handed the task to search for a formula to determine how much paper needs to be added to a parent roll to make up the difference at the winder. (Ex. The spool diameter at the reel is 18.25" we measure roughly 33.5" to make two 58" rolls in the winder. If the is a paper break and the roll diameter in the winder is 30" how much do I add to a single parent roll (22" roughly) to make one 58 " and the 28" needed at the winder. I would appreciate any help to complete this task. I would like to be able to build a chart that operators can refer to based on what is needed. Thank you.

Harley Weston lui répond.
The axiom of choice and constructibe sets 2009-04-10
sydney pose la question :
The axiom of choice asserts the existence of certain sets, but does not construct the set. What does "construct" mean here? For example, does it require showing the existence and uniqueness of some function yielding the set? In general, what does it mean to require the existence of a mathematical object be tied to a construction of it?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Le réservoir 2009-04-09
Myrianne pose la question :
Le réservoir d'essence d'une petite voiture peut contenir 50 litres. En sachant que 1 dm3 équivaut à litre, donne les dimensions de deux prismes différents représentant ce réservoir.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
How many times is 9 in pi? 2009-04-09
Serena pose la question :
How many times is 9 in pi?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
How many rectangles are in a square prism? 2009-04-09
Lorenya pose la question :
How many rectangles are in a square prism?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Positive real infinity and Aleph-null 2009-04-09
Justin pose la question :
Hello, I was just wondering why does the positive real infinity correspond to Aleph-null? Thanks a lot for answering my question!


Ami and Robert Dawson lui répond.
Parallel and perpendicular lines 2009-04-08
Blake pose la question :
I need to know what the formula for working a problem. I need to know how to find if i line is parallel or perpendicular by only looking at the equation. i know you must know the slope but how do i find slope?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Game of 24 2009-04-08
Joe pose la question :
How do you get 24 using 6,9,10,10 once. Its called the 24 game.

Harley Weston lui répond.
A ladder against a wall 2009-04-08
Jessica pose la question :
The angle of elevation of a 15 ft. ladder is 70 degrees, find out how far the base of the ladder if from the wall.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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