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Filling a container with water 2009-04-22
frank pose la question :
With one house pipe it takes 8 hours to fill a container with water. How long will it take with 4 house pipes of the same size and the same water pressure and same container?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
An equivalence relation 2009-04-22
syed pose la question :
D is the relation defined on Z as follows:

Z is an integer

For all m,n E Z, m D n if and only if 3 l (m^2 - n^2).

Find out whether the above relation satisfies to reflexive , Symmetric & transitive? Is it an equivalence?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
8 golfers in 3 rounds 2009-04-22
patrick pose la question :
We have eight people, playing three rounds of golf. Would like to know the optimal pairings so that the most people can play with everyone. Thanks.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Miles per hour and feet per second 2009-04-22
mary pose la question :
A car traveling at 60 miles per hour, how many feet per second has it traveled?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
15 pigs in 4 pens 2009-04-22
Melissa pose la question :
A farmer has 15 pigs. He wants to put them all into 4 pens, have an odd number of pigs in each pen, and have no pigs left over. Also, he isn't thinking about having any for dinner, as they are his pets.
How does he do it?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A vertical radio tower is located on the top of a hill 2009-04-21
Rafael pose la question :
A vertical radio tower is located on the top of a hill that has an angle of elevation of 10 degrees. A 70-foot guy wire is attached to the tower 45 feet above the hill.

a. Make a drawing to illustrate the situation
b. What angle does the guy wire make with the side of the hill?
c. How far from the base of the tower is the guy wire anchored to the hill?

What confuses me about this problem is the visual situation. Isn't the angle of the guy wire with the side of the hill the same as the angle of elevation? And if not, then how is one supposed to find the other angles without any more information?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Percent increase from a negative number to a positive number 2009-04-21
Brian pose la question :
I have no problem calculating year over year net profits but am having trouble when it comes to a negative.
2007 Net Profit = -110,333.00
2008 Net Profit = 66,054.00


Harley Weston lui répond.
A golf schedule for 18 teams 2009-04-21
laura pose la question :
Could you help me form a golf schedule for 18 teams, playing a total of 8 weeks. Rotating the schedule each week so every team plays with a different team each week? I am using a shotgun format with 9 holes every week. Thank you for your input.
Victoria West lui répond.
1/(square root 16) 2009-04-21
Conor pose la question :
Hi Guys!

I dont have a square root sign so im just gonna use the ^ symbol :)

I am just wondering if


when re-written can it be

1/16 to the power -1/2

Thanks :)

Penny Nom lui répond.
The center of an ellipse 2009-04-21
Nae pose la question :
what is the ellipse center of 5x^2+3y^2=15
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Pi 2009-04-21
Serena pose la question :
Who invented pi?
Robert Dawson and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two regular hexagons 2009-04-21
niko pose la question :
Two regular hexagons are ____________ similar.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Volume of a prism 2009-04-21
David pose la question :
The base of a rectangular prism has an area of 15.3 square inches and a volume of 185.13 cubic inches. Write an equation that can be used to find the height "h" of the prism
Robert Dawson and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A perpendicular line in standard form 2009-04-21
Kristy pose la question :
Can you help me with this equation? Find the equation, in standard form of the line perpendicular to 2x-3y=-5 and passing through (3,-2) With the equation in standard form with all integer coefficient.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The sum of the roots of a quartic 2009-04-21
dave pose la question :
This is a algebra problem that i am confused about: The sum of the roots of x^4-x^3+5x^2+4=0 is: i tried graphing it, but it shows that there are no roots, but the answer is 1. are they wrong?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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