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Splitting a commission 2018-09-13
Beth pose la question :
If Sales Prices is $170975 and commission is 6% but listing agent gets 60% of the 6% and selling agent gens 40% of the 6% what is the actual percentage that each would actually receive?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Fixed cost 2018-09-13
Heather pose la question :
On the bus question you answered, what would be the fixed rate? Is that the rate per person or is that also the base rate? ( cost of empty bus)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form 2018-09-12
Grace pose la question :
hi, I can't figure out how to do 735 in exponential form. note that im only in 5th grade and its not supposed to be in the scientific notation or whatever. okay, thanks!
Penny Nom lui répond.
A locus of points 2018-09-03
Ericka pose la question :
Find the locus of points three times as far from (0,4) as from (2,0)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf schedule for 12 players over 8 days 2018-09-03
William pose la question :
We have a golf trip with 12 golfers

we are playing 8 rounds together......we want to mix the group up at best possible w/o too much overlap.......
thoughts? the math is way over my head...

even if we play the first 6 rounds with different partners, then the last 2 can be repeats ...or whatever the math works out

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 3500 acre ranch 2018-08-30
Dee pose la question :
I am in the middle of writing the description of the size of a ranch in my story. It is 3500 acres. How does that equate into mileage? The main ranch house is at one end, and the foreman's ranch house at the other end.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sum and difference of two numbers 2018-08-30
Saranya pose la question :

The question is to find the numbers from sum and difference.
The Sum = 14 and the difference = 2

I found in this web site some useful answers. but my kid is going second grade only. She don't know how to do a division or multiplication.
So can you please explain on how to find the answer using only the Addition and Subtraction.

Thanks in advance.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Working with percentages 2018-08-26
Kenneth pose la question :
16 is 4% of what amount? The answer can be determined by the following unusual manner: 4% = 16 1% = 4 100% = 400 Can the following solutions for the following be determined by using the same type of calculation? 16 is ?% of 400 ? is 4% of 400 I thank you for your reply.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Robbie and fran run laps 2018-08-26
khansa pose la question :
robbie runs 3 laps for unknown number of days. fran runs 3 times as many laps each day for unknown number of day. what is the formula for their combined total number of laps
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rotating wheel 2018-08-24
Kay pose la question :
A wheel with a radius of 7 inches is rotating at 4 revolutions per second. What is the linear speed v, in feet per second?
p lui répond.
Two intersecting tubes 2018-08-15
Tommy pose la question :
Hi, I am trying to determine a mathematical model for two metal tubes joining at various degrees for weld.
For instance, if I am trying to join the end of a tube to the side of another at a 90 degree angle, it will be a simple profile cut out of the joining tube.
Where it gets tricky is if you want to join the new tube at a given angle.
It would be very helpful if you could give insight as to how I can solve this problem or an equation I could work off of.
Thanks for the help!!

Edward Doolittle lui répond.
Two spinners 2018-08-13
Atina pose la question :
A spinner has four equal sectors and a number is written on each sector; 1, 2, 3 and 4. A two-digit number is formed by spinning two times. The number on the first spinning makes the first digit and the number on the second spinning makes the second digit. For example, 2 on the first spinning and 1 on the second spinning make the number 21.
(a) Give the sample space S for the experiment.
(b) Consider the following events : E = odd number; F = number smaller than 35; G = prime number. Give the subset of outcomes in S that defines each of the events E, F, and G.
(c) Describe the following events in terms of E, F, and G and find the probabilities for the events.
• getting an even integer less than 35.
• getting an odd number or an prime.
• getting an even number greater than or equal to 35 that is a prime number.
• an odd number smaller than 35 that is not a prime number.
(d) Are E and F mutually exclusive events? Give a reason for your answer.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A cube in a cylinder 2018-08-13
Geli pose la question :
A cylinder with a radius r and height 2r+4 contains a cube with edge length r√2. What fraction of cylinder volume is taken up by the cube
Penny Nom lui répond.
Amy and Joey on a circular track 2018-08-13
Zoe pose la question :
Amy and Joey are situated on a circular track 400 feet around.
Joey starts running at a rate of 10 feet per second.
Amy waits for a full minute, then starts running from the same point (in the same direction) at 12 feet per second.

How many seconds elapse before Amy passes Joey on the track?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponents 2018-08-13
Ella pose la question :
What is the radical form of 3xy raised to 5 quantity three- fifths?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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