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Simultaneous Equations 2009-07-06
Mukulu pose la question :
Solve the equation simultaneously X/5=(Y+2)/2= (Z-1)/4 ……………….eqt 1 3X+4Y+2Z-25=0 ………………eqt 2
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Using the Remainder Theorem to Find an Unknown Coefficient. 2009-07-06
Mukulu pose la question :
What is the value of a if 2x2-x-6 ,3x2-8x+4 and ax3-10x-4 have a common factor.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Number of Farm Animals 2009-07-06
paul pose la question :
In the farm there are 50 heads of chicken and pigs and 100 feet. how many chickens and pigs are there in the farm
Robert J. Dawson lui répond.
The retail price for an ice cream scoop 2009-07-05
Patricia pose la question :
Hi - I am trying to figure out the fairest retail price for an ice cream scoop. We have an ice cream parlor and the cost of the ice cream we buy by the bulk container has recently been increased so now we must charge more for our scoops. We pay a wholesale price of $25.40 for 242 ounces of ice cream. The cost per ounce is $0.105. What is the formula for figuring out how much to charge retail per scoop? This is probably so simple but confusing to me. Please help. Thank you!
Harley Weston lui répond.
Vector spaces 2009-07-05
Nazrul pose la question :
How can I prove that m(a+b)=ma+mb where a and b are two vectors. Thank you.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A roll of paper 2009-07-05
mark pose la question :
is there a simple way of finding out how much is left on a roll of paper. i have read similiar questions and answers on here but all seem very complicated and not being very good at maths does not help me much. some are in inches and all have different figures to mine so if i give my figures hopefully i wil understand it better. the radius of the cardboard core is 52.25mm, the radius of the paper at 2000 linear meters is 158.625mm. the thickness is 0.17mm. when nearing the end of the paper how do i work out how much is left in a simple way. thank you in advance for any help you can give me
Harley Weston lui répond.
17.5% of 500 2009-07-05
b pose la question :
what is 17.5% of 500
Harley Weston lui répond.
Descending Percentages 2009-07-02
Chris pose la question :
Hi I'm having a problem working out the percentage target achievement, when i'm calculating a descending indicator. For example, if you take something like the number of contracts cancelled. You might give your retentions team the task to make sure that no more than 2 customers cancel a contract wihin a particular month. If exactly 2 customers cancel their contract, that should represent 100% achievement of the target, but i'm really struggling to work out what that percentage would be if 1 or 3 customers cancelled. Chris
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Generating Four Digit Number Combinations that Exclude Zero 2009-07-02
Judy pose la question :
Is it possible to get a complete list of the possible 4 number combinations between 1 and 9?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2009-07-02
Rory pose la question :
I'm trying to find the area of a triangle with points -2, 1; 4,1 and 7,4
Penny Nom lui répond.
Fish Feed 2009-07-01
David pose la question :
57 grams of feed how many fish can I feed at 2% of 1lb body wieght or I suppose to feed 2% of body wieght of food in grams fish wieghts 1 lb.I hope I said that write Thank you Aloha dave
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
A diagonal of a rectangle 2009-07-01
Ruben pose la question :
Please assist me with the following problem: A rectangle has a diagonal that is 3.6 feet longer than the length and 7.1 feet longer than the width. What are the dimensions of the rectangle? Thanks
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two circles on a dome 2009-07-01
Beth pose la question :
My question is related to a dome I would like to construct, for which I know the circumference of the base: 120ft. I now need to figure out the diameters of two smaller circles, one at 20ft along the arc of the dome form the ground, and the other at 30ft along the arc. Assuming a true hemisphere, or 180 degrees total arc, how can I calculate these two circumferences?


Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Parallel lines 2009-07-01
chris pose la question :
Write the slope of a line that is parallel to each line.

Brennan Yaremko lui répond.
liquid in a 3/4 inch pipe 2009-06-30
junior pose la question :
We are in dilemma at my job. We need to figure out the formula for how much water can our pipe hold. It's inside diameter is 13/16" and is 50ft. long?
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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