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Divisibility by 3 2018-11-20
Ray pose la question :
There is a rule that a number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits are divisible by 3 (for example, 81=8+1=9 {divisible by 3} and 33=3+3=6 {again, divisible by 3}) I know this works but I don't know why! Please help.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Terry was two-thirds as old as Nia 2018-11-19
Makenzy pose la question :
four years ago, terry was two-thirds as old as nia. now terry is three-fourths as old as nia. how old is each now
Penny Nom lui répond.
What was the original number? 2018-11-18
jaydaleigh pose la question :
Mark was thinking of a number. Mark adds 11 to it, then doubles it and gets an answer of 40.5. What was the original number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage markup 2018-11-17
Sher pose la question :
Cost price is $32,500 and selling price was $ 85,495.25, what percent markup was made?
Penny Nom lui répond.
2/5 as much time 2018-11-16
Izzy pose la question :
If Patricia spent 3/8 of her time cleaning her room. She spent 2/5 as much time washing the dishes as she did cleaning her room. What fraction of time did Patricia spend Washing dishes? And it wants us to simplify our answer
Penny Nom lui répond.
-4 + 3/2 2018-11-15
Chloe pose la question :
so I have this paper and I'm confused, -4 + 3/2=???? so I originally got -1/2 but I looked at Calculator papa and he says -5/2 and then I looked at google and all I got was -2.5 and i am so confused and lost.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Price before VAT and a discount 2018-11-15
Carol pose la question :
I bought a computer for £330.
The selling price included VAT at 20%.
Then I was allowed a staff discount of £30.
What was it’s original price before the VAT and staff discount?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The original cost when you only know a percentage 2018-11-13
john pose la question :
I was wonder how to find the Original cost when you don't know original cost

The amount paid was 13.82 that is suppose to represent 20% because Insurance pays 80% Thank You

Penny Nom lui répond.
A line cuts a curve 2018-11-11
roxanne pose la question :
Hello, i need to ask a question, do you mind explaining and writing the formula of how to solve equations such as "find the set values of k for which the line y-2x-5 cuts the curve y=x^2 +kx+11" please
Penny Nom lui répond.
The price of eggs rises 10 cents per dozen 2018-11-10
Maddie pose la question :
Hi! I'm currently struggling with a word problem that says: "If the price of eggs rises 10 cents per dozen, one will be able to get 2 dozen fewer eggs with $6.00 than was possible at the lower price. What is the lower price? We are working on completing the square and all of the problems I've done so far in this chapter require using that method. If possible and needed, could you explain how to set up the equation? Thank you so much! I appreciate all your help!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Speed 2018-11-06
Dolores pose la question :
if I drove 3/4 mile in 32 seconds, what was my speed ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Dividing by a fraction 2018-11-02
Fadely pose la question :
If 8 divided by 4/2 can be expressed as 8 X 2/4, how can 8 X 2/4 be converted back to 8 divided by 4/2?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why 1/2 in the area of a circular sector? 2018-10-26
Ariel pose la question :
In the equation for area of a sector=1/2r^2theta why is it 1/2? Please explain conceptually not algebraically.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why 1/3 in the volume of a cone? 2018-10-20
Keith pose la question :
In the formula for the volume of a pyramid, Volume = 1/3 * base * height, where does the 1/3 come from, intuitively?
Penny Nom lui répond.
f(x) and f(-x) 2018-10-19
Simran pose la question :
what is difference between f(x) compared to f(-x) on graph
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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