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I have 9 players 4 rounds of 3 2009-08-31
Larry pose la question :
I have 9 players 4 rounds of 3. I need each player to play one timw with everyone in the group
Victoria West lui répond.
The sum of digits of 4444^4444 2009-08-31
SHIVDEEP pose la question :
The sum of digits of 4444^4444 is A .The sum of digits of A is B .
Find the sum of digits of B ?

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Combinations 2009-08-31
Joe pose la question :
I'm trying to find out how many combinations are possible out of 1-8 using only 4 numbers, but with no repetition of a single number in the 4 number sequence. EX: 2,3,2,5 wont work. Is it possible to create a list, and if so did my calculator lie to me when i got 70 as an answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form 2009-08-31
cecil pose la question :
what is the exponent form 564000?
Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
Quadratic equations 2009-08-30
jovian pose la question :
how can i find the quadratic equation of the roots 2/5 and -1/3?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The equation of a circle 2009-08-30
tagbo pose la question :
find the eqn of circle passing through (-1 1) and (-1 -4)and whose radiusis 5/2
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An area problem 2009-08-30
Amber pose la question :
Area of hexagon ABCDEF with the vertices (3,0) (7,0) (9,2) (7,4) (3,4) (1,0)
Harley Weston lui répond.
Investing in four accounts 2009-08-29
Kenneth pose la question :
Hello: An investor wants to divide $1000.00 into four amounts or accounts -- one account earning 2%, the second account earning 5%, the third earning 9%, and the fourth earning 12%. He wants the overall total return to equal 5%. What are some of the monetary amounts that can be invested into these four accounts to earn him the 5% total return, 5% of $1,000.00?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations 2009-08-28
onias pose la question :
solve 3/a - 2/b = 1/2 , 5/a + 3/b = 29/12
Robert Dawson lui répond.
y=2x+1 and y=2x-1 2009-08-28
MARICELA pose la question :
Need help of how to work this problems

y=2x+1 and y=2x-1

First of all what is the difference?

Second I think is easy just to work with the X y with the line in the middle

but how do you get the numbers for each side.

Penny Nom lui répond.
x^x = 1 2009-08-28
Waleed pose la question :
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Chickens and pigs 2009-08-28
David pose la question :
A farmer has a number of chickens and pigs. There are 24 heads and 80 ft. How many pigs and how many chickens are there?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The distance traveled on a bike 2009-08-28
Dennis pose la question :
I would like to calculate the distance traveled on a bike based on the size of the tire and on the number of revolutions per minute. This is based on the rider traveling at a constant speed.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A number puzzle 2009-08-28
Angela pose la question :
Taking 1 through 9 and using them only once subtract them to equal 33333
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The game of 24 2009-08-27
ANITA pose la question :
Help I'm suppose to be a math expert, yet I can not yield 24 from the numbers 8,4,9,9, using each only once. HELP
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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