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How fast is the distance between the two cars decreasing? 2009-12-08
Jenny pose la question :
Two cares are on a collision course toward point P. The paths of the two cars make a 30 degree angle with each other. The first car is 40 km from P, and traveling toward P at 16 km/hour. The second car is 50 km from P, traveling at 20 km/hour. How fast is the (straight line) distance between the two cars decreasing. (Hint: Law of Cosines)
Harley Weston lui répond.
Simplifying a quadratic expression 2009-12-07
Sabbie pose la question :
Hi, I need help solving this equation for my physics homework,so I can solve the quadratic equations for x and y. I've derived the following equations from the information provided in the question.

2a+3b = 4 -- 1
2a^2 + 3b^2 = 62 -- 2

a=2-(3/2)b is substituted into equation 2.

so, i get
2 (2-(3/2)b)^2 + 3b^2 = 62

this is where the problem begins. i cannot work through this to get to the correct quadratic equation


I can't seem to be able to figure out where I keep going wrong. I would really appreciate it if you could give me a step-by-step breakdown of the workout.


Penny Nom lui répond.
An equilateral triangle is inscribed in a circle 2009-12-06
anna pose la question :
An equilateral triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius 6. Find x and the length of one side of the equilateral triangle. The picture is a triangle where the corners touch the sides of a circle and there is a line drawn down the middle of the triangle. A point labeled D which is in the triangle but im pretty sure that its marking the radius of the circle. From that point D is a line going from that point to the bottom left corner of the triangle. So this line shall make another mini triangle. The bottom of the big triangle is then split into 2 segments and the left segment is labeled x. Please help for I am stuck!
Penny Nom lui répond.
7 36 14 18 28 9 56 x y 2009-12-06
lisa pose la question :
what is the sequence of x and y
7 36 14 18 28 9 56 x y

Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of an isosceles triangle 2009-12-06
Carl pose la question :
What is the height of an isosceles triangle if its base is 12cm, and its base angle is 72degrees?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Walking at 4/5 of his usual speed 2009-12-05
venkatesh pose la question :
walking at 4/5 of his usual speed a man is 10 minutes too late .find his usual time.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A magic/math trick 2009-12-04
Valentin pose la question :
What is the explanation for the following math trick: you think of any four digit number add those digits take that sum and subtract it from the first number then you say three of those new numbers in any order and the other person guesses the last digit. How does he do it?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Three numbers that have the sum of 45 2009-12-04
amanda pose la question :
there are three numbers that have the sum of 45.The greatest of the three numbers is 2 greater than the least number.What are the numbers?what is the formula to get the answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two adjacent pig pens 2009-12-04
alysia pose la question :
A pig farmer wants to build two adjacent pens using 96 feet of fencing. He wants rectangular pens that share the short side and the overall length is to be six more than twice the width. What should be the dimensions of the overall pen?
Penny Nom lui répond.
(9 - x^2)/(x - 3) 2009-12-04
Sandy pose la question :
I need to know how to solve this.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Airline routes 2009-12-01
Kapilan pose la question :
Please answer the following question: From A to B there are four possible air routes. From B to C there are five possible air routes. From C to D there are three possible air routes. How many different trips can be taken from A to D and back without taking the same route on any section of the return trip?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A line through the y-intercepts 2009-12-01
Rogerson pose la question :
Find the equation of the line through y-intercept of the lines 3x + 4y = 12 and 3x - y = 9.
Penny Nom lui répond.
(24x3)+(7x8)-(20/5)+(4x7) 2009-12-01
Marilyn pose la question :
Thought I had the answer but the form says no. Could you solve it for me please.

Penny Nom lui répond.
GST and PST 2009-11-30
anne pose la question :
i have a total amount15.81.i need to find out the amount of gst(5%) and the pst(7%) that i paid within that amount of 15.81
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four fours 2009-11-29
linda pose la question :
Four Fours order of operations challenge i need problems using 4's only that have an answer of 13, 18, and 19 than you
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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