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Sale price and employee discount 2019-01-18
Margaret pose la question :
What is the formula to find the 75% off full price item that was already marked 30% off?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cylinder with a cone on top 2019-01-16
Berania pose la question :
A water tower in New York City has the shape of a cylinder with a cone on top. The cylinder has a diameter of 12 feet and a height of 15 feet. The roof has an inclination angle of 25 degrees.
(a) Determine the height of the cone to the nearest tenth of a foot.
(b) Determine the overall volume of the tower to the nearest cubic foot.

Penny Nom lui répond.
7 spheres on a hexagonal tray 2019-01-14
herm pose la question :
what is the length of each side of a hexagonal tray, with the height of each side 0.75 inch, to hold seven spheres, each with a diameter of 3.00 inches? The spheres are placed such that each side of the hexagon is touched by one sphere at its midpoint (and the seventh sphere is place in the center of the "ring" of the other six spheres.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A binomial expansion 2019-01-05
shifali pose la question :
if the binomial expansion of (m-nx)^3 is 1+9x+-- find the values of m & n
Penny Nom lui répond.
Finance charge 2019-01-03
Kenneth pose la question :

Hello Math Central:


The calculation for determining the finance charge per $100.00 (FC/100) is determined by the following:

Finance Charge/Amount financed * $100.00 = the finance charge per $100.00

Since the denominator (amount financed) is not multiplied by $100.00, how does the result equal the finance charge per $100.00? The numerator (finance charge) is the only amount multiplied by $100.00.

Example 1.  3/4 * 6 = 18/4 not 18/24 The 4 is not multiplied by the 6.

Example 2.  $49.00/$200.00 * $100.00 If $49.00 is divided by $200.00 the result is $0.245/$1.00. If $0.245/$1.00 * $100.00 = $24.50/$1.00. This answer is not $24.50/$100.00.
How does the above equal the finance charge per $100.00 when the denominator is not multiplied by $100.00?

If the division is not used to indicate the $0.245 per $1.00, the result becomes $49.00/$200.00 * $100.00 = $4,900.00/$200.00.


I thank you for any helpful reply.




Penny Nom lui répond.
A quadrilateral inside a square 2019-01-02
Swetha pose la question :
In 2*2 square ABCD, E is the mid point of the side AD. F is a point in BE.CF is perpendicular to BE. Find the area of the quadrilateral CDEF
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangle problem 2019-01-01
ahamed pose la question :
In rectangle ABCD, angle BCD is trisected. CE,CF meet the sides AB,AD at E,F. BE=6cm, AF=2cm so, find the area of the rectangle ABCD?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagonal deer blind 2018-12-31
Alan pose la question :
My grandson and I would like to making a 6'x6' octagon floor for a deer blind. He is eight yrs old and the math is outside my wheelhouse. We need to know the length of the boards and angles of the corners please.
Thank you, Sincerely,

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two integers X and Y are selected at random 2018-12-31
Kenneth pose la question :
Two integers X and Y are selected at random from the integers 1 to 8.If the same integer may be selected twice,find the probability that;
2)X-Y is 5 or more
3)X is greater than Y

Penny Nom lui répond.
y = f(x) 2018-12-30
yogita pose la question :
What is the actual meaning of "f(x)" ? Please give me full explanation
Penny Nom lui répond.
Non-repeating decimals 2018-12-28
Grace pose la question :
What is non repeating decimal
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve for x in Y=1.5x + log (1+x) 2018-12-23
Asadollah pose la question :
Please restate below expression in terms of y

Y=1.5x + log (1+x)


Penny Nom lui répond.
Ten games with two possible outcomes for each game 2018-12-22
Jin pose la question :
I'm trying to make a list to view all the possibility.
An example is if I have 2 games there's two outcomes (home/away)
I will use number to represent the teams. 0-1,2-3
All possible out comes are 0-2,0-3,1-2,1-3 right?

MY QUESTION If I have 10 games each have 2 outcomes (home/away) to win
What is all possible outcome.
Could u please provide me with a list of all possible out comes

Thanks you

Penny Nom lui répond.
The surface area of a dome 2018-12-18
Chithrabhanu pose la question :
If a dom dia is 4.552 and the height is 1.21 what is the surface area?
Penny Nom lui répond.
cos(2x) = sin(x) 2018-12-18
Liz pose la question :
Determine all values of x in [0,2pi] that solve the equation Cos(2x)=sinx
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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