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A 400 gallon drum 2010-11-04
Jerry pose la question :
Question from Jerry:

I want to build A tank. able to hold 400 gallons of asphalt sealer it will be round . basically like A old fuel oil drum but made with heavy material . math ? was I want tank to hold 400 gallons I think the length of 60" would be perfect. I don't know what diameter or radius of tank needs to be . to make it A 400 Gallon tank

Harley Weston lui répond.
How far must the pitcher travel to get to the ball? 2010-11-04
ken pose la question :
A baseball player bunts a ball down the first base line. It rolls 35ft at an angle of 26 degrees with the first base path. The pitchers mound is 60.5 ft from the plate. How far must he travel to get to the ball.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 500 ft by 30 ft strip 2010-11-04
Bill pose la question :
How many acres are in a strip 500ft. X 30ft.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the speed of each car? 2010-11-04
Jennifer pose la question :
two cars are 420 miles apart and traveling towards each other along the same road. They meet in 3.5 hours. One car is traveling 15mph slower than the other. What is the speed of each car? This must be solved using a system of equation, I have no idea?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Walking around an acre 2010-11-04
sa pose la question :
if you walk around 1.66 acres 10 times how many miles have i walked
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The sides of a trapezoid 2010-11-03
Bobbi pose la question :
Isosceles Trapezoid base=60”; two 45⁰angles at base, two 135⁰ angles at the top, vertical distance between base & top=16”. What is the length of the top line and the two equal side lines?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The weight of some dirt 2010-11-03
Maggie pose la question :
I am wanting to know how many tons of dirt we r going to need to fill a basement. The measurements we r going with r 15ftx15ftx8ft.
Penny Nom lui répond.
39-4+6 divided by 3 to the power of 2 = 3 2010-11-02
Emma pose la question :
Help me and my family cannot figure this out, it the last question on my paper. I need to know how to use place the brackets to make the following problem true.

39-4+6 divided by 3 to the power of 2 = 3

we have tried for three days and cannot get it.......help!

Robert Dawson and Claude Tardif lui répond.
Terminologie mathematique 2010-10-31
Adil pose la question :
Bonjour ,

Pourriez-vous m'indiquer les titre et auteur d'un bon dictionnaire francais anglais de terminologie mathematique ? Auriez-vous egalement l'adresse d'un site web traduisant du francais a l'anglais les termes ert expressions mathematiques ?

Merci par avance,

Pierre-Louis Gagnon lui répond.
A fourth degree polynomial function with real coefficients 2010-10-30
Ryan pose la question :
Question from Ryan, a student: What is the fourth degree polynomial function with real coefficients that has -1,1 and I as zeros and such that f(x)=160
Harley Weston lui répond.
I want to make a 50% profit 2010-10-29
Debbie pose la question :
If my cost on an item is $32.00 and I want to make a 50% profit- What would the retail be?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A problem that can be solved using trigonometry and geometry 2010-10-29
xolani pose la question :
In your neighbourhood find a problem that can be solved using trigonometry and geometry. write a report on the problem and how you solved it. the report should contain:

a) a clear description of the problem, accompanied by a diagram and all necessary measurements.

b) a solution to thje problem, showing all calculations.

c) proper theorems and rules must be used as part of the solution.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Two algebraic expressions 2010-10-29
chaptay pose la question :
what is the difference between x(n^2) and x(n)^2
Penny Nom lui répond.
The slope of a hole 2010-10-28
William pose la question :
What is the slope of a hole that is 7.4 mm in dia by .5mm in depth.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Measuring the heights of tall objects 2010-10-28
Inder pose la question :
what is used in real world to measure heights of tall objects? besides Clinometer or shadows, what else is their that is used to measure tall objects.
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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