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U(n+1) = 2Un + 1 2011-05-22
Cillian pose la question :
In a certain sequence, to get from one term to the other you multiply by 2 and add 1, i.e. This is a difference equation of form: U(n+1) = 2Un + 1. prove that there is a maximum of 2 perfect squares in this sequence
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Problem solving with fractions 2011-05-21
emilyd pose la question :
I had a packet of sweets. I put 1/5 of the sweets into Container A, 1/3 of them in Container G, 10 sweets in container C and the rest in container D. If the number of sweets in container D is equal to 75% of the total number of sweets in container A and B, how many sweets are there altogether?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the angle of decent? 2011-05-20
Taten pose la question :
So you have an airplane with an altitude of 5.8KM. It has 46KM till the run way. What is the angle of decent?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Draping a room with fabric 2011-05-19
Maria pose la question :
I need to drape an entire room with fabric. The width of the fabric is 120 inches. How many yards of fabric do I need if the room is 4000 sq ft. (50 x 80 ft) and the ceiling is 12 ft. high.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A pipe in a ditch 2011-05-19
Jim pose la question :
How many cubic feet of stone will it take to fill to six inches around a 4 inch pipe in a ditch 128 ft long x 20 in wide?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of a belt around three pulleys 2011-05-18
Grant pose la question :
I need to calculate the belt length around these pulleys, please can you help or refer me?

Known variables
D - Large Pulley Diameter
d - Small Pulley Diameter
c - Center Distance between D and d
T - Tension Pulley Diameter
x - Horizontal Distance between T and d' Centers
y - Vertical Distance between T and d's Centers
I need to calculate the belt length around these pulleys.

Kind Regards,

Harley Weston lui répond.
Exponential form 2011-05-18
Kara pose la question :
How do I write this in exponential form?

log 1/8 = -3

Penny Nom lui répond.
A rational number 2011-05-17
owais pose la question :
according to definition of irrational number "a number which cannot be expressed in p/q form is called irrational number" square root of 2 is a irrational number but if i round off the digit correct to two decimal places so it becomes 1.41 and we can easily convert into p/q form so it is a rational number ???
Penny Nom lui répond.
What was his salary before the raise? 2011-05-16
Annette pose la question :
Need to show all my work and round to the nearest dollar. If James received a 9% raise and is now making $102.00 per year, what was his salary before the raise?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Numbers with a digit 9 2011-05-13
Veronica pose la question :
How many numbers between 200 and 750 have a 9 for at least one of the digits?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two whole numbers 2011-05-11
yolanda pose la question :
The sum of two whole numbers is 12.If the sum of the squares of those numbers is 74,what are the two numbers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the perimeter if the area is 20 ft? 2011-05-10
Brooke pose la question :
What is the perimeter if the area is 20 ft?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find two numbers whose difference is 153. 2011-05-10
Scott pose la question :
Find two numbers whose difference is 153.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf with 36 players 2011-05-09
Terry pose la question :
What is the calculation to have 36 players play in a different foursomes each week. I would guess this would take 12 times but do not know how to figure this out
Victoria West lui répond.
The domain of a function 2011-05-08
Minks pose la question :
(x^2 + 1 / x^2 +2x - 3 ) X ( x^2 -9 / x^2 - 2x - 3)
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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