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A stained glass lamp 2011-07-25
Guy pose la question :
Like Kay, I also work in stained glass, but in 3-dimensions. I am frequently asked to replicate lamp shades in stained glass where the diameter of the top is different (narrower) from the diameter of the bottom (which is wider). Some people want 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16, ,,, n-sided shades. Is there a formula I can use to determine the width of the sides using the angle, if I remember correctly, I think it's called theta. In other words, is there a formula where I can plug in the angle which describes the arc of the circle. For instance, if someone asks for a 7 sided shade, plugging in 51.43 (360/7). I could then use that to determine the width at the top and bottom rings to create the appropriate trapezoids. I've visited a few sites so the formula looks like its a function of sin & cos but they are presented like proofs for teaching. Your site appears to want to actually answer questions without making the inquirer feel stupid.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The height of a fluid in a horizontal tank 2011-07-24
jason pose la question :
Same set up as many others, cylindrical tank on its side, but I am interested in defining the change in volume and/or fluid level as a function of time at a constant volumetric outflow. I plan on hooking a pump to the tank so "gpms' will be constant. I have a couple different sized tanks and pumps so I want a general equation. Thanks for your help.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A cylinder fits perfectly in a box 2011-07-18
Brix pose la question :
A cylinder fits perfectly in a box. 76 cubic inches of oil is poured into the space between the cylinder and the box, filling the space halfway. If the box is 3ft wide, how tall is the cylinder in inches?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A regular hexagon inscribed in a circle 2011-07-18
Courtney pose la question :
If ABCDEF is a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle of radius r, prove that the length of each side of the hexagon equals r.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangle is inscribed in a circle 2011-07-17
Alexea pose la question :
A rectangle is inscribed in a circle of diameter 15in. Express the perimeter as a function of the width x.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A linear equation with fractions 2011-07-13
Simon pose la question :
I would like to ask if you would be able to explain : linear equation: 2 1/2 (X-1) - x+3 /3 = 4 , the first step shows multiplying by 2 then multiplying by 3. etc. What I don't understand is where the 2 in multiplying by 2 comes from? ( the three is pretty obvious being x+3 /3 (to get rid of the divided by) ) .
Thanks for your help.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Fencing around a pool 2011-07-12
Anita pose la question :
The measurement of a swimming pool are 32 feet by 18 feet. How much fencing is needed if the fence is to be built 7 feet from each side of the pool?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A group of 40 golfers 2011-07-11
Doug pose la question :
We are a group of 40 golfers who play in 10 x foursomes playing 3 rounds. Can we all play with different players each round yet maintain the foursomes format.
Victoria West lui répond.
Golf for 14 2011-07-11
Doug pose la question :
We have 14 players playing over 4 days. can we play with different players every day and keep the 3 x foursomes and 1 x pair format
Victoria West lui répond.
Two piles of cards 2011-07-09
maribie pose la question :
a standard deck of playing cards contains 26 black cards and 26 red cards, or 52 cards in all. a deck is randomly divided into two unequal piles, such that the probability of drawing a red card from the small pile is 1/3. at the same time, the probability of drawing a black card from the larger pile is 5/14. how many cards are in the larger pile?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 12 2011-07-07
Jim pose la question :
I have a golf trip scheduled with a total of 12 guys. We are playing three rounds of golf. For round 1 Players A B C D must play together. Is there a formula that would allow me to set up the other 8 foursomes with no repeats or minimal repeats? Thanks.
Victoria West lui répond.
concentric circles 2011-07-06
maribiie pose la question :
two circles are concentric. the tangent to the inner circle forms a chord of 12cm in the larger circle. find the area of the "ring" between the two circles?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Achilles and a turtle 2011-07-01
Jean pose la question :
Achilles and a turtle are having a race. The turtle starts 45m ahead of Achilles and Achilles is twice as fast as the turtle. If turtle runs at 1m/s,how far would the turtle have run before he is outrun by Achilles?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A one year investment 2011-07-01
Jean pose la question :
If the yearly income from an investment is $30 and the annual interest rate is 12%,what is the original investment?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The nth term of a sequence 2011-07-01
Rachel pose la question :
I am trying to help my son get ready for our Aims test and I am not much help. The sequence is 2,5,10,17 The question is which equation represents the rule for finding the nth term for this sequence

a. an=n + 1
b. an=2n2
c. an=n2+1
d. an=2n+1

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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