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Combination lock 2019-07-31
Antony pose la question :
So my 3yr old daughter has had a bit of a play with the 3 dial combination lock on my backpack and locked it closed.
I am looking for all the possible combinations to go through a process of elimination to find the combination she has set.
To be clear. There are three dials, each with the numbers 0-9. I have read 10x10x10=1000 options but not sure if that is correct .. feels too small?
Many thanks in advance.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Six digit numbers from 4 digits 2019-07-30
Tab pose la question :
How many six digit combinations can be made from the numbers zero, two, five, eight? With repetition of numbers
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a well 2019-07-30
Jordan pose la question :
How much water could my well hold if the depth of the well is 30 feet feet and the diameter of the well is 24 feet ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A problem involving ratios 2019-07-24
Dhanendra pose la question :
A plot reserved for playground in the ratio of length and breath 11:4 gram panchayt spends rupees 45000 for boundary at the rate of 100 per m. Find the dimensions of the plot.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Packing chocolates in boxes 2019-07-22
CHESKA pose la question :
1.levy can pack the chocolate bars either with 35 bars in a box,with 42 in a box, or with 49 in a box. what is the least number of chocolate bars that he has?
2. the blue light of a Christmas light blinks every 2 second. the red light blinks every 3 second and the yellow light blinks every 5 second. how many times will the three lights blink at the same tims in one hour?
3.a wooden straightedge can exactly measure an 825 cm rope, a675 cm rope, and 375 cm rope. what is the least possible length of the straightedge? how many times will it measure each rope?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Listing three digit combinations 2019-07-17
Larry pose la question :
Using numbers 0-9, what are all the possible combinations of choosing 3 numbers regardless of order and no 3 numbers being used more than 2 times in the combination. So no 1,1,1, 2,2,2, 3,3,3 etc. Order does not matter. Could you please send me a listing of all those combinations?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit codes 2019-07-14
Jessica pose la question :
I need to find the total number of 3 digit codes using the digits 1 through 9. How many of these codes would be odd numbers, and how many even?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The maximum volume of a cone 2019-07-14
A student pose la question :
find the maximum volume of a cone if the sum of it height and volume is 10 cm.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A three digit code 2019-07-14
Hannah pose la question :
I have a briefcase with a three-digit code. I can set the code myself using digits 1 through 9, assuming that each digit can only be used once. How many possible codes are there?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Volume of a spherical cap 2019-07-12
Shanto pose la question :
In a jar of water, we kept a sphere with radius r. Then 75% of its volume went under water. Find out the distance of the top of the sphere from the surface of the water.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Price per square meter to price per square inch 2019-07-09
Al pose la question :
If something costs $2.5 square meter, how much would it cost in square inches? How do i convert costs per square inch, into square meters?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Order of operations 2019-07-06
Carri pose la question :
What is the answer (( 5 × 12) / 3 ) + 30 - 50
Penny Nom lui répond.
Distance traveled 2019-07-03
J pose la question :
If a fly flies at 15 feet per a second between two walls closing in upon themselves. Wall A is moving to the right at 3 feet a second and wall B is moving to the left at 15 feet a minute, how far will the fly fly before the walls touch?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Forty foot and 9 spacers 2019-06-28
Christopher pose la question :
Ok I've got forty foot and 9 spacers one each end and 7 between what is the distance between the seven in the middle
Penny Nom lui répond.
One part in 10^x 2019-06-26
Jim pose la question :
What is the meaning of the phrase ‘one part in 10x” where the x is an exponent? I have seen these examples: “...better than one part in 10x” and “...to within one part in 10x.”
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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