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A 23 acre airport runway 2012-02-21
Ron pose la question :
I have a 23 acre plot. If it were in a straight line, would it be enough distance for a plane to take off and land if the plane needed 1 mile?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
The 10000th day of her life 2012-02-21
derrick pose la question :
Ella was born early in the morning on a Friday.She got married on the 10000th day of her life. What day of the week was it?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Tim sells 6 times as many oranges as apples 2012-02-20
Bronwen pose la question :
Tim sells 6 times as many oranges as apples. If he sell 490 in total one morning, how many of each type were sold?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle inscribed in a quarter circle 2012-02-20
sonam pose la question :
ABC is a quarter circle and a circle is inscribed in it and if AB=1cm than find radius of a small circle.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Demarkus is paving a new driveway 2012-02-19
Anita pose la question :
Demarkus is paving a new driveway for a local YMCA volunteer club. The driveway is 90 yards long and 6 yards wide. If the concrete cost $2.50 per square foot, how much will it cost Demarkus to cover the driveway?
Penny Nom lui répond.
If x ix directly proportional to y then ... 2012-02-19
Crystal pose la question :
I understand that we say x and y are proportional, then y = kx.
Generally when we say x is proportional to y, we think that when x increases y increases.
Now I am questioning whether that is actually true.
If k is negative, then when x increases, y DECREASES.
My question is does this mean this statement is incorrect:
If x is proportional to y, when x increases, y increases proportionally.
Is it more correct to say:
If x is proportional to y, when x increases, y either increases proportionally or decreases proportionally.
Along the same line of reasoning, when x is inversely proportional to y, we think that when x increases y decreases, but that is true only if k is positive.
Is that correct?

Harley Weston lui répond.
The (i, j) entry of a matrix 2012-02-17
Bilyaminu pose la question :
Question Bilyaminu

Find a formula for the (i,j) entry of a matrices: A= [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12; 13 14 15 16]

Harley Weston lui répond.
240 acres 2012-02-17
jon pose la question :
How many linear feet are in a 240 acre rectangle piece of property
Harley Weston lui répond.
Fractions and proportions 2012-02-16
Kenneth pose la question :

I read the following in an old textbook:

Display the numbers 27, 18, 26, and 39 so as to form a proportion.

Which set of equal fractions is correct?

18/27 = 26/39

18/26 = 27/39

I thank you for your reply.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Margie threw a ball 2012-02-16
mary pose la question :
at 9:45 Margie threw a ball upwards while standing on a platform 35ft above the ground. The height after t seconds follows the equation: h(t)= -0.6t^2 +72t+35
a) what will be the maximum height of the ball?
b)how long will it take the ball reach its maximum height??

Harley Weston lui répond.
Figures with dots 2012-02-15
A pose la question :
Okay so my daughter came home and had this question for homework from her teacher. I have no idea what it means HELP!!
The question shows a figure that is a square. It has 5 dots on the top, bottom and on the sides looks similar to this:
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they want to know 3 more ways to show the number of dots in the figure. They have already shown one with just counting them and the other one that they showed was circling the four corner dots and then taking the dots in between with a number sentence set up like this: 4+4*(5-2) = 4+4*3= 16. They also besides giving 3 ways want us to write a number sentence and an algebraic sentence to show the number of dots in the figure with "n" sides. Please help! So confusing ! I don't know if my square turned out or not but it should be 5 across the top and bottom and on the sides and no dots in teh middle it is just the outside.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A word problem 2012-02-15
Bo pose la question :
Jane guessed a number. Tom guessed a number that was double the sum of 1 more than twice the number guessed by Jane. Sum of the numbers guessed by both were 27, what are the numbers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
36 golfers 2012-02-15
Steve pose la question :
We will have 36 golfers playing 4 rounds of golf and would like to have different foursomes each round. In other words, no player will play with another more than once.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A cylindrical container 2012-02-14
KRIS pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Jack and Kate set off in their cars ... 2012-02-13
akiri pose la question :
Jack and Kate set off in their cars from the same point to travel the same journey. Jack has a start of eight minutes before Katie sets off. If Jack travels at 50mph and Katie travels at 75mph, how many miles will be travelled when the two cars are level?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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