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The area of a right triangle 2012-04-03
Shelli pose la question :
How do you find the area of a right triangle if you only know that the hypotenuse is 10 and that the base and height are unknown but are equal?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Radioactive decay 2012-04-02
Christy pose la question :
Hello, how do I go about answering this question?

Should I be using the formula Ce^(kt)?

Given that the decay constant for Radium is -.000428/year, how long, to the nearest year, does it take a sample to decay to 15% of its present mass?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A question about a pattern 2012-04-02
Steven pose la question :
A B C D E F (G)
1 3   100 100 33 (67)

D is divided by A and B to give E and F the difference between E and F is G

2 4 110 210 105 53 (52)

C is added to D to give the new D number.

3 5 120 330 110 66 (44)
4 6 130 460 115 77 (38)
5 7 140 600 120 86 (34)

Following the pattern you might expect a massive increase in C to result in a significant decrease in G but...

6 8 1000 1600 267 200 (67)

G actually increases and goes back to square 1 Why?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
1+2+4+8....= -1 2012-04-02
Andy pose la question :
In this minutephysics video, it's claimed that 1+2+4+8....= -1 Is this true, and if so, how?
< href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIq5CZlg8Rg">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIq5CZlg8Rg

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A circle drawn around a equilateral triangle 2012-04-01
BIMAL pose la question :
what is the diameter of a circle drawn around a equilateral triangle of size 6 cm
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the better price? 2012-03-30
john pose la question :
What is the better price?
If a bag of mulch sells for $6.75 and contains 2.7 cubit feet versus a bag selling for $5.99 and contains 2 cubit feet.
Which is the better value?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A lot with a slope 2012-03-30
Carlos pose la question :
I have a lot with a slope. On the right I need to bring it up 2', From that point to the left is 112' which at this point I need to bring it up 5' for it to be level . The distance front to back is 80'. What is the cubic yards of this area that I need to fill in.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Golf for 17 2012-03-29
Richard pose la question :
Hi Guys,
I have a scheduling problem which I don't think you have covered before.
Apologies if you have!
I have 17 golfers due to play 4 rounds of golf.
Each round will consist of 3 threeballs and 2 fourballs (ie. 17 golfers in 5 groups)!
Is it possible to come up with a schedule where each golfer plays
with different partners in each round?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The period T of a pendulum 2012-03-27
Ashley pose la question :
The period T of a pendulum is given in terms of its length, l, by T=2pi sqrt(l/g) where g is the acceleration due to gravity(a constant)
a. find dT/dl
b. what is the sign of dT/dl
c. what does the sign of dT/dl tell you about the period of the pendulums?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A uniform probability density function 2012-03-26
Noeline pose la question :
The label on a bottle of liquid detergent shows contents to be 12 ounces per bottle. The production operation fills the bottle uniformly according to the following probability density function:
f(x) = 8 for 11.975 ≤ x ≤12.10
f(x) = 0 elsewhere

a. What is the probability that a bottle will be filled with 12.02 or more ounces?
b. What is the probability that a bottle will be filled between 12 and 12.05 ounces?
c. Quality control accepts production that is within .002 ounces of number of ounces shown on the container label. What is the probability that a bottle of this liquid detergent will fail to meet the quality control standard?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The equation of a line 2012-03-26
Danielle pose la question :
Hello, could you help me figure out what the equation of the line is in the form of Ax+By=C with the points (-2,0) and (0,3)? Thank You!
Penny Nom lui répond.
The derivative of 2sin cubed x - 3 sin x 2012-03-25
holly pose la question :
suppose f(x) = 2sin cubed x - 3 sin x

show that f 1(x) = -3 cos x cos 2x

Harley Weston lui répond.
Painting a pool 2012-03-25
Salai pose la question :
A swimming pool measures 8m long, 6m wide and 1.5 m deep. The special paint for the pool cost $6per square metre. How much will it cost to paint the interior surfaces of the pool ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cubic inequality 2012-03-25
Victoria pose la question :
The flight path of a bumblebee above the ground can be modelled by the function f(x)= 2x^3- 17x^2+ 11x + 130. Where x is the time in seconds and f(x) represents the height in inches above the ground. The entrance to the bee's hive is located 100 inches above the ground. Determine when the bumblebee's height is greater than 100 inches. The bee's height was monitored from 0 to 25 seconds inclusive. (over the domain 0
Penny Nom lui répond.
The remainder theorem 2012-03-25
Victoria pose la question :
When k^2 + 3kx + 13k +k^2x - 3x^2 is divided by (x-4) the remainder is 22. Find the value(s) of K.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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