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Two equations involving fractions 2012-06-12
Fatima pose la question :
Hi ,teacher gave two question to my daughter as follows
Solve 2/x+3=(1/xx-9)-(1/x-3)and
Solve (4/x-2)-(x/x+2)=16/xx-4

Please help me
Thanks & regards fatima

Penny Nom lui répond.
A cylinder is to be filled with peas. 2012-06-12
Silje pose la question :
Hi! How can I solve the following question without the use of a calculator?

"A cylinder is to be filled with peas. It is done like this: At 12:00 o'clock you put 1 pea in, at 12:01 you put 2 peas in, at 12:02 you put 4 peas in, at 12:03 you put 8 peas in, and so on. This continues until 14:00 o'clock (two hours later), when the last peas are put in and the cylinder is full. At what time is the cylinder half full?"

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Expanded exponential form? 2012-06-12
Ramon pose la question :
express the numbers 990 614 000 005 in expanded exponential form.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Scheduling an academic competition 2012-06-12
Mike pose la question :
I need to schedule 18 high school teams to play each other in a "Jeopardy!"-like academic competition. Teams compete against each other 6 at a time (simultaneously) in 3 different rooms. What will the minimum amount of matches (I believe 6 ?) we would have to play to ensure that each team plays every other team exactly twice?

And more importantly: what would that schedule look like?

The best I've come up with is having most teams playing twice, but with 2 pairs of teams having to play either only once or sometimes 3 times.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give! :-)


Chris Fisher lui répond.
Why is the letter Z used for the integers? 2012-06-11
ROSE pose la question :
WHY is that the acronym of integers is represented by letter Z or J?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A geometric sequence 2012-06-10
vicki pose la question :
The sum of the first three terms of a geometric sequence of positive integers is equal to seven times the first term, and the sum of the first four terms is forty-five. What is the first term of the sequence?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The position of an aircraft relative to the airport 2012-06-08
Dennis pose la question :
"Air traffic controllers usually describe the position of an aircraft relative to the airport by altitude, horizontal distance, and bearing.  Suppose an aircraft is at altitude 500m, distance 15km, and bearing 35 degrees east of north.  What are the x,y, and z components (in meters) of the position vector. The x-axis is east, the y-axis is north and the z-axis is vertical.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A multinomial theorem 2012-06-08
Anuj pose la question :
if (1+x+xsquare) whole raise to 20 is a0 + a1x + ........ + a20xraise to 40, then find a0 + a2 + a4 + .......... + a38.
How do you solve this???????

Robert Dawson lui répond.
9-3(2+6)/6-2*5 2012-06-08
Sammi pose la question :
Hi there,

I am doing a practice test for my admittance into a college accounting program and I am really confused by this equation.

The answer I got was way off what the test answer sheet says it should be.

The question is


If you could explain how the answer beccomes 35 that would be greatly apprciated!!

Thank you!

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A quadratic function 2012-06-08
Salehah pose la question :
Hi there, i dont know how to do quadratic equations. So how do i do the question, that says: x-int -4 and 2, and y-int of 4? and we are to maek a quadratic function with this information.

Please help!
Thank you very much!

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Long division 2012-06-07
Emily pose la question :
Simplify the expression using long division (9x^2-41x-6)/(x-4)
Penny Nom lui répond.
The surface area of a dome 2012-06-06
sravya pose la question :
how to calculate surface area of a dome if its base radius and height are known and neither it is hemisphere nor radius of sphere is known??
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
A reel of cotton thread 2012-06-05
Grace pose la question :
91 meters of cotton goes round the cotton reel. About how many times does the cotton go round the reel?
Give your answer to the nearest ten.
(The Diameter of the cylinder is 3cm)

Penny Nom lui répond.
29 golfers 2012-06-04
robert pose la question :
i have 29 golfers and have to make 8 teams for a golf scramble there will be 5 teams of 4 and 3 teams of 3 what is the fairest way to make up the teams?
Victoria West lui répond.
16 golfers, 4 rounds 2012-06-04
Gerry pose la question :
16 golfers, 4 rounds - best pairings so that everyone plays with each other at least once.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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