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Fractions and negative powers 2019-09-22
Will pose la question :
-2/3 to the -6 power
Penny Nom lui répond.
Bearings 2019-09-22
Jean pose la question :
X is due north of Y and 2km distant. Z is due east of Y and has a bearing of S35°12'E from X. How far, to the nearest metre, is Z from X? Will you help me solve this problem?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The volume of a fire hose 2019-09-18
Carlou pose la question :
How many liters of water in a 2.5 inches diameter of fire hose with a 20 meters in length
Penny Nom lui répond.
4" x 4" square tiles 2019-09-18
Jill pose la question :
how many 4" x 4" square tiles would I need for 50 square feet?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why does the circle have a larger area? 2019-09-16
A student pose la question :
given a circle and square of same perimeter, why does the circle have a larger area

I’m looking for an intuitive explanation rather than a computational one. Thanks

Harley Weston lui répond.
Mandy walks to work 2019-09-15
Kenneth pose la question :
Mandy walks to work at a constant rate. One-third of the way to work, she passes a bank. Three-fourths of the way to work, she passes a book store. At the bank her watch reads 7:52 A.M., and at the book store it reads 8:02 A.M. At what time is Mandy one-half of the way to work?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A one foot rise in water level 2019-09-15
Stuart pose la question :
If a lake were to rise one foot - how many linear feet would it spread onto the shore line ? What is the correlation - 1 foot of a rise = 10 feet onto the shore ? Does it depend on the lake size - if so Lake Ontario in Canada.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The amount of concrete in a foundation 2019-09-11
Lorinda pose la question :
How do you calculate ( in cubic yards) how much concrete is needed for the foundation of a rectangular building 40 ft by 85 ft if the foundation walls are 8 inches thick and 7 ft 6 inches high?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is -5 squared? 2019-09-10
Pori pose la question :
What is -5 squared?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The number of integers that satisfy some conditions 2019-09-10
Ryu pose la question :
Using only the digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 without repetition, how many integers are:
(a) Greater than 999, less than 10,000, start with an even digit and are even?
(b) Greater than 999, less than 10,000, start with an odd digit and are odd?
(c) Greater than 999, less than 10,000, start with an even digit and are odd?
(d) Greater than 999, less than 10,000, start with an odd digit and are even?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Problem solving 2019-09-08
Arunsi pose la question :
When a fifth of a certain number is added to 3 the result is 17. What is the number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Vectors 2019-09-06
Kayla pose la question :
Hi! Due to time constraint issues, we skipped vectors in Pre-Calc last year. However, I'm attempting to complete my AP Physics summer homework and there are 3 problems with vectors. As I explained, I have no idea even where to begin and as such I need some help.

Problem 1:
A plane flying at 90° at 45 m/s is blown toward 0° at 62 m/s by a strong wind. Find the plane's resultant velocity. I have tried all sorts of online calculators but none are providing me with a formula I can use to solve this problem on my own.

Problem 2:
If you walk 367 m North and 785 m West what is your total displacement from your original location?
What is the problem asking for when it says displacement?

Problem 3:
A plane travels on a heading of 127.0° at a velocity of 25 km/hr. What are the horizontal and vertical components of the plane's velocity? As you know already, I have never done vectors so I don't know what horizontal and vertical components of velocity are.

Thank you So Much for your help!! I am struggling!!

- Kayla

Penny Nom lui répond.
Using the Laws of Exponents 2019-09-06
Samiya pose la question :
i have been struggling with the laws of exponents so im having trouble with this question. the question is to write (b*exponent2*c)(b*exponent5*c*exponent4*)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Average savings 2019-09-06
Puchu pose la question :
A student was saving an average of £2 per week for 25 weeks. He then found a part time job and after total of 45 weeks his average savings rose to £9 per week How much did he save over 20 weeks after finding job?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a berm 2019-09-06
John pose la question :
I need to construct a berm:
8' tall
5' across the top
20' at the base
125' long
How much soil will I need

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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