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6 miles in 28 minutes what's my average speed? 2013-03-05
lynda pose la question :
6 miles in 28 minutes what's my average speed?
Penny Nom lui répond.
f(x) + f ''''(x)=0 2013-03-05
Andreea pose la question :
Hei. I don’t speak lot of english but here is my question,hope u understand: f(x) + f ````(x)=0. so, my question. what is f(x), where f ````(x) is f(x) derivative by four time ? i tried to find the answer and i knew f(x) is something like that f(x)=e^x*sinx but miss something.
Brennan Yaremko lui répond.
What is the subtotal & GST? 2013-03-04
REBECCA pose la question :
Hi, I have a total of $300. What is the subtotal & GST? How do I work backwards?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Markup and discount to get a sale price 2013-03-02
Warren pose la question :

If you are an ardent shopper you will be aware of the discount (% decrease) marketing strategy to produce the sale price. I began to wonder just how much mark-up (% increase) was added initially to an item in order to deliver the discounted sale price.

It was simple to construct a formula to convert one to the other.

For example a 30% (mark down) decrease in price required a 42.86% (mark up) to increase the price initially to Tag price. However when I started apply the formulae to a number of circumstances I noticed some very interesting circumstances associated with this relationship

For example a 99.999999% decrease is numerically equal to a 9,999,999,925% increase (huge ratio difference) while conversely a 0.1% decrease is numerically equal to a 0.10010010% increase (Infinitesimally small ratio difference) so the patterns appears logarithmic not linear.

However what really caught my attention was this pattern

See http://www.ozsmart.com/doc/percentage.htm

My questions is why does the decline in the ratio of increases in required mark up (%) price peak at 50 and 51% precisely and then expand again as the percentage move higher

Any explanation would be appreciated

Harley Weston lui répond.
A linear programming problem 2013-02-27
Kelley pose la question :
A manufacturer of skis produces two types: downhill and cross-country. Use the following table to determine how many of each kind of ski should be produced to achieve a maximum profit. What is the maximum profit? What would the maximum profit be if the time available for manufacturing is increased to 48 hours.
  Downhill Cross-country time available
manufacturing time per ski 2 hrs 1 hr 40 hr
finishing time per ski 1 hr 1 hr 32 hr
profit per ski $70 $50  

Penny Nom lui répond.
Four digit "combinations" using 0124 2013-02-27
Ayana pose la question :
What are all the possible four digit combinations using 0124. Please list them for me. Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
100 animals 2013-02-25
Jessica pose la question :
You have exactly $100.00 to spend. You must get 100 animals.
The chicks cost $0.10 each.
The pigs cost $2.00 each.
The sheep cost $5.00 each.
You must get some of each animal.
How many of each animal can you get?

Penny Nom lui répond.
An error in finding the mean 2013-02-25
Abhishek pose la question :
Mean of 50 observations was found to be 80.4 but later all it was discovered 96 was mistake at 69 Find the correct mean?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A messy arithmetic expression 2013-02-24
niiaryee pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
An equation with exponents 2013-02-24
Chelsea pose la question :
(81 to the power of 3n+2 over 243 to the power of -n) is equal to 3 to the power of 4
Find the value of n.
The answer I got was n is equal to negative (4 over 7).
The answer in my text was n is equal to negative (4 over 17)

Penny lui répond.
The tangent to a circle at a point on the circle 2013-02-22
Andrew pose la question :
What is the equation of the line tangent to the circle with equation x^2+y^2=25 at the point (-4,3)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Fractions over fractions 2013-02-22
Kenssa pose la question :
Question from Kenssa, a parent:

Simplify: 3-(7/x)-(6/x^2) / (3/x^2)+(5/x)-2

Harley Weston lui répond.
Your profit should be 20% of your cost 2013-02-21
anis pose la question :
if the customer says your profit should be 20% of your cost..

1) my selling value should be cost +20% of cost = SP


2)cost / 0.80 = SP which is correct...if the second answer is right how should i justify my customer

Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve sin 3x = -0.1254 with x between o and 360 degrees 2013-02-21
David pose la question :
sin 3x = -0.1254 0
Harley Weston lui répond.
Solve sin 3x = -0.1254 with 0 2013-02-21
David pose la question :
sin 3x = -0.1254 0
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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