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Question 2013-04-04
Casey pose la question :
Right now I am stuck and I feel embarrassed because I feel like the answer is so easy I should know it.

I am working on a project and need to find a volume of gravel it will take to occupy this triangular prism like area. I am not sure what formulas I should use whether it be that for the volume of a pyramid or something more complex? Basically it forms a right triangle at one side then from there all points slope to one singular point about 10412mm away.
I am attaching a picture drawn up in paint with the actual dimensions to clear up any confusion.

Thank you for any help. Casey

Penny Nom lui répond.
16 golfers over 15 days 2013-04-02
Mark pose la question :
16 golfers, each plays the other 15 golfers once each over 15 days. played in four foursomes each day. What is schedule that allows each golfer to play with other golfers an equal number of times?
Victoria West lui répond.
Every vertex of a cube is assigned a number +1 or -1 2013-04-01
Shankar pose la question :
Every vertex of a cube is assigned a number +1 or -1 . Every face has a number that is the product of all the numbers in its corners. Then the 14 numbers are summed up ( all the vertices and faces ). Can the sum be 0?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The distance between 2 lines in 4D 2013-04-01
samane pose la question :
how can i measure the distance between 2 lines in 4D??
Chris Fisher lui répond.
We can't write sinx and cosx as a finite polynomial. 2013-03-31
rimoshika pose la question :
prove that we can't write sinx and cosx as a finite polynomial.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Simultaneous equations with fractions 2013-03-31
Terence pose la question :
5/x-6/y=1 17/x+30/y=16 I been spending whole day to solve this question. Would be very grateful if you can help I try The denominator value is a equations term which make is simultaneous equations so hard.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of an isosceles right triangle 2013-03-30
Michelle pose la question :
We have a triangle it is a right isosceles. The sides touching the right angle are 10 cm. They hypotenuse is 14.1 (the base) we are trying to find the height of this so we can figure out the area of a shaded sector of a circle.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
25% 2013-03-28
aaliyah pose la question :
what is the raw data of 25%
Penny Nom lui répond.
A shortest distance problem 2013-03-28
LYNDELL pose la question :
I have a right triangle and know the length of all sides. How do I calculate the shortest distance from the vertex of the 90 degree angle to the hypotenuse?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 4 digit code 2013-03-26
chris pose la question :
I saw a previous question about a 4 digit code type thing and I was wondering if you could email me that same type of thing. I changed the pin number on my phone's lock screen and I tried hard to remember it, then I had to go help my mom with something and I automatically forgot it and there is no way for me to get back on my phone. I need all of the possible 4 digit number combinations without the numbers 0, 1, or 2. It cannot be repeating, ascending, or descending.
I know you may not want to do all of them, but I really need it.

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Restricted partitions 2013-03-25
vidya pose la question :
I am having a series of numbers eg.( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) I can take any 5 digits eg(15,10,8,6,5) and it should not repeat and the summation should be any predefined static value . eg(44) That is (15+10+8+6+5=44) . How many summation series will result 44 ? My problem is how to find this using a formula or any other simpler automation method is there instead of checking one by one all the combinations. Plz do help me... Thnks in advance
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Tangents to the curve y = x^3 2013-03-24
Ethan pose la question :
How many tangent lines to the curve y = x^33 pass through the point (2, 4)? For each such line, and the exact coordinates of the point of tangency on the curve.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A markup followed by a discount 2013-03-23
edward pose la question :
A shopkeeper marks his goods to gain 35%. He allows 10% discount for cash payment. What is his profit percent when he sells the goods for cash?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Trigonometry 2013-03-23
Tizoc pose la question :
I am in a trig class and I have a conflict. When solving the length of a side, I know what trig function to use, but I do not know what angle to use in a calculator. To make this a little more understandable, if I have all the angles available in a right triangle and I use the tangent function, how do I know what to use?
Heres what I do not know what to put in my calculator: Tan(?)
Thanks in Advance!

Penny Nom lui répond.
Cumulative Frequency Math Question 2013-03-20
Primadonna pose la question :


Please help me solve this question.

Thank you so much.

The cumulative frequency table below shows the length of time that 30 students spent text messaging on a weekend.

Minutes Used Cumulative Frequency
31-40 2
31-50 5
31-60 10
31-70 19
31-80 30

Which 10-minute interval contains the first quartile?

(1) 31–40

(2) 41–50

(3) 51–60

(4) 61–70

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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