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n log n = 36 * 10 ^ 12 2013-11-12
shihab pose la question :
How to find value of n in this equation :

n log n = 36 * 10 ^ 12

Penny Nom lui répond.
One train overtaking another 2013-11-11
kiran pose la question :
two trains of equal length are running in parallel tracks in the same direction with the speed of 60km/hr and 90km/hr respectively the latter completely crosses the former in 30 seconds the length of each train is in mtr
Penny Nom lui répond.
Matrices 2013-11-10
Ricky pose la question :
Why must we have brackets around matrices. Why don't we just neatly write an array of entries cross-wise and up and down to indicate a particular matrix?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A lever 2013-11-09
Durgesh pose la question :
A farmer uses a 2 m long lever to lift large rocks from the ground of his field . He places a fulcrum 20cm from the rock end of the lever and then stands on the other end, levering out the rock. If the farmer weighs 100 kg , what is the heaviest mass of the ro ck that he can lift using this method? (how to solve)
Penny Nom lui répond.
The popcorn box problem 2013-11-07
Dave pose la question :
We know that calculus can be used to maximise the volume of the tray created when cutting squares from 4-corners of a sheet of card and then folding up.

What I want is to find the sizes of card that lead to integer solutions for the size of the cut-out, the paper size must also be integer. EG 14,32 cutout 3 maximises volume as does 13,48 cutout 3.

I have done this in Excel but would like a general solution and one that does not involve multiples of the first occurence, as 16, 10 cutout 2 is a multiple of 8,5 cutout 1.

Walter Whiteley lui répond.
200,000 cubic metres 2013-11-06
John pose la question :
Hello: I'm a journalist reporting on the proposal to bury 200,000 cubic metres of radioactive waste below ground near Kincardine, Ontario. I'm trying to put this figure into some kind of perspective for readers -- particularly in the U.S., where most are unfamiliar with the metric system. I don't know whether there's any particular frame of reference that would be enlightening -- U.S. football fields, Olympic-sized swimming pools, etc. Can you help? Thanks very much in advance, John
Harley Weston lui répond.
The average time per mile for a marathoner 2013-11-04
Peter pose la question :
a runner ran a 26.2 mile marathon in 2hours 8minutes and 24secounds. the question is, what was his average time for each mile that he ran?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Substitution type simultaneous equations 2013-11-03
Kayla pose la question :
I am having problems with substitution type simultaneous equations, when the variable you are substituting is a algebraic one:
y=x^2-3x+4 and 3x-2y=1
I have rearranged 3x-2y=1 to get x=(1+2y)/3 but when I substitute this x value into the other equation, I get the wrong answers!
Would appreciate any help! Thank you.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Water flowing out of a tank 2013-11-03
Carolyn pose la question :
The flow of water out of a hole in a tank is known to be proportional to the square root of the height of water above the hole. That is,

dV/dt (proportional to) sq root (h)

The tank has a constant cross-sectional area A, show that the height of water in the tank is given by

h = ((-kt+C)/2)^2

If the tank is 9 metres high, and it takes 5 hours for it to drain from full to half full, how much longer will we have to wait until it is completely empty?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The depth of a lot 2013-11-02
Gini pose la question :
what is the depth of a lot with 45 feet frontage containing 1080 sq yards
Penny Nom lui répond.
A ratio problem 2013-10-31
indu pose la question :
students of a school have been into 2 groups in the ratio 6:11, if the group has 870 students, how many students are there in all the school?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An extension using concrete blocks 2013-10-30
david pose la question :
hi how many concrete blocks would i need for an extension 50 ft long ,20 ft wide and 12ft height
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sloped concrete wall 2013-10-30
Brad pose la question :
We are planning on pouring concrete in a wall form that is sloped. One end is 73 inches tall, and it tapers to 24 inches tall over a distance of 348 inches. It is flat on bottom and sides and is 12 inches thick. Thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is-5/-11 a positive rational number? 2013-10-30
tazneem pose la question :
Is-5/-11 a positive rational number
Penny Nom lui répond.
A plane 2013-10-27
Thomas pose la question :
Why is this 3d plane flat?
if m ≠ n
arcsin(sin(m*arctan(x/y))), arcsin(cos(n*arctan(x/y))),
This is using radians.
These are angles of a triangle, when m and n are the same it is a right triangle. All three inputs are not equal to each other. The last input is pi minus the first two inputs, which makes a complete triangle.
I was kind of hoping to find more lissajous curves. It doesn't make sense to me that this is a flat plane, a diagonal one at that.

I'm not a student or anything. I'm just wasting time.

Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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