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Related rates 2014-01-30
Veronica pose la question :
A container is the shape of an inverted right circular cone has a radius of 1.00 inches at the top and a height of 5.00 inches. At the instant when the water in the container is 1.00 inches deep, the surface level is falling at the rate of -2.00 inches/second. Find the rate at which the water is being drained.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sequence 2014-01-30
joshua pose la question :
hi...really struggle with one question that the teacher gave us...
The sequence is 1,2,1,5,8,1,11,___,___

Penny Nom lui répond.
A man and a kite 2014-01-29
Veronica pose la question :
A man flies a kite at a height of 120 meters. The wind carries the kite horizontally away from him at a rate of 8 meters/second. How fast is the distance between the man and the kite changing when the kite is 130 meters away from him?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A bizarre percentage problem 2014-01-29
matthew pose la question :
by what percent was the child's sodium level beneath the normal range? the child's sodium level was 107 where the normal is 136-145
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two nonlinear equations 2014-01-26
Naryn pose la question :
(1÷x) + (1÷y) = (7÷12)
xy = 12

Penny Nom lui répond.
An inequality 2014-01-25
LANELL pose la question :
this is a problem to solve: 1/3 + 2/7 >=x/21 -- part of the answer is (-oo) not exactly that similar--it is on a calculator as a symbol- sure you know what it is I am talking about- the x will be a number
Penny Nom lui répond.
Counting in base five using words not digits 2014-01-25
Randy pose la question :
We all know how to count (in the base 10/decimal system) using words not numbers. For example: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, etc. However, in base 5 (for example) how would you count (in words). For sure - in base 5 the number 1 could be "one", the number 2 could be "two". However there seems to be no words to describe base 5 numbers beyond 0,1,2,3 and 4 (and perhaps 10). In base 5 the number 10 is not ten. Rather it is "five". In base 5 what word(s) describe numbers larger than 10? What words are used for 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 44,...etc. Also, consider a man and woman were married in the Gregorian year 1964. If they had an anniversary tomorrow - how long would you say they've been married in base 5 speak? In numbers their Golden Anniversary would note 200 years of marriage in base 5. How would you articulate their years together in base 5? I don't recall seeing verbiage to represent numbers in any system other than the decimal/base 10 system. Do such things exist for other systems?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Problem solving 2014-01-24
ngozi pose la question :
There are 4 children in the Owens family. Jamie 1 1/2 times as all as Kelly and he is 6 inches taller than Olivia. Sammy is 56 inches tall, which is 2 inches taller than Olivia. Find Jamie's height
Penny Nom lui répond.
Kate, Tess and Nina 2014-01-23
Sam pose la question :
Kate is 16 yrs. younger then Tess. Nina is 8 yrs.older then Kate. The sum of their ages is 189. How old is each?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The fourth side of a quadrilateral 2014-01-23
joanna pose la question :
left vertical measurement 2560mm
right vertical measurement 1850mm
base horizontal measurement 1750mm
question - what will the 4th measurement be please.
using a scale drawing I make it approx 1900mm but require an accurate measurement



Penny Nom lui répond.
A word problem involving fractions 2014-01-23
Pamela pose la question :
John put 1/4 of his flowers in a vase
He gave 1/2 to of the flower to his wife
He gave 1/5 of the flowers to his daughter
He has 8 flowers left
How many flowers did John start with

Penny Nom lui répond.
The amount of GST 2014-01-22
ken pose la question :
I am trying to find out what was the amount of the GST that was added in $2,319.45


Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig identity 2014-01-21
Jhosseline pose la question :
prove: sin (pi/2 - x) cot (x + pi/2)= -sinx
Penny Nom lui répond.
Reducing the area of a parking lot 2014-01-19
Robin pose la question :
The school is reducing the area of its 20yd by 50yd parking lot by removing a strip at one end of the parking lot and another strip of the same width from one side. The new area of the parking lot is 504 said yes. Find the width of the removed strip
Penny Nom lui répond.
Mixing water and wine 2014-01-19
manish pose la question :
a man mixes three part of water to one part of wine.When he consumes one part of mixture he realise that the drink is too dilute and hence adds one part of wine to the remaining quantity what is the ratio of water to wine in the new mixture.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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