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Paycheck after deductions 2014-02-23
Louise pose la question :
So I got a paycheck for 89.02 they took out in deductions 15.69. I want to know the percentage they are taking out so that I can figure my take home pay each week before I get it. So I know what to expect for pay each week so I can budget my bills from now on a weekly basis. If I know the percentage than I can just figure out the percentage through how many hours in the week I worked and multiply my gross pay and know what my take home will be
Penny Nom lui répond.
Some 3-digit combinations 2014-02-23
ivana pose la question :
How many possible 3-digit combinations can be made of the numbers 123456? None of the numbers can repeat in one combination. I used to know a formula but have been out of school for some time and cannot remember.
Penny Nom lui répond.
9 golfers divided into 3 teams 2014-02-22
Steve pose la question :
We have 9 golfers, divided into 3 teams each day. Play is over 6 days. Can you devise a schedule to ensure pairings allow for all golfers to play at least once with all participants? Also, that the pairings have one player from another team.
Victoria West lui répond.
Three investment partners sharing the profit 2014-02-22
Ayatullah pose la question :

We are three partners and bought a property at 2050000 and sold at 2300000.
Details of investment of the partners
X= 1500000
Y= 400000
Z = 150000

My questions are
1) How could i calculate percentage of investment of each partner?
2) How could i deduct 30% commission from each partner in profit?
3) How could i distribute the profit amongst the partners?

Thanks in advance

Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle through three points 2014-02-22
Mohammad pose la question :
Find the equation of circle passing through the origin and the points (a,b) and (b,a). Find the length of chords that it cuts off from the axes.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Finding the retail price 2014-02-22
Judy pose la question :
An item is currently on sale at 37% off the retail price. The item now sells for $350.

My Question:

What is the retail price and what is the formula or steps to figuring that out?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A limit with trig functions 2014-02-22
pearl pose la question :
(what is the value of limit of x as it approaches 0 of sin8x divided by cos6x)
Penny Nom lui répond.
8 team schedule over 7 days 2014-02-21
Andrea pose la question :
I need to organize 8 teams. Each team has to go through 8 games against another team, but not against the same as before.
Victoria West lui répond.
2.3% of $17.3 trillion 2014-02-21
C pose la question :
What is the annual interest on $17.3 trillion at a rate of 2.3%. Thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
Gradient 2014-02-21
Nancy pose la question :
calculate the gradient of the line AB when the line AB is passing through the points A (2,1,) and B ( 4, -3).)
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 7 person golf schedule 2014-02-21
Claude pose la question :
Golf Holiday: 7 guys, play a 4-some and a 3-some each day for 10 days. Want to have the best balance of each player playing with every other player the same number of times and each player playing in an equal number of 4-somes and 3-somes.
Victoria West lui répond.
The length of my property 2014-02-19
James pose la question :
I have 4.3 acres. My property is 650 feet wide. What is the other length?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A fountain surrounded by a walk 2014-02-18
Maddie pose la question :
A square Water Fountain is Surrounded by a walk 2 yards wide. If the Area of the Fountain is 2/3 of the total area of the Fountain and the Walk. What are the Outside Dimensions of the Walk
Penny Nom lui répond.
The graph of y=2x+4 2014-02-18
tyler pose la question :
y=2x+4 graph
Penny Nom lui répond.
Paul is making banana bread 2014-02-17
John pose la question :
Paul is making banana bread. The number of cups of bananas he uses is proportional to the number of loaves of bread. Paul uses 11 1/4 cups of bananas to make 5 loaves of bread. Which equation represents the relationship between c, the number of cups of bananas, and b, the number of loaves of bread?
A) C=4/9 b
B) C=2b
C) C= 2 1/4 b
D) C=5b

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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