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Filling a 48 cubic meter tank 2020-01-19
kamohelo pose la question :
An empty tank for storing water from a borehole has a volume of 480m3 if it is filled by a pump that pump water at a rate of 16L/s how many hours will it take the pump to fill this tank
Penny Nom lui répond.
The angle of a countersunk screw 2020-01-19
Barbie pose la question :
I need to be able to verify the angle used for the head of a countersunk screw.
I have the diameter of the head, diameter of the shank and height between the two. I assume it would be considered a frustum.
For example:
A standard 90 degree metric flat head screw in an M2 diameter has a head diameter of 3.65mm, the actual thread diameter is 1.98mm and the height of the head is 1.20mm.
How can I prove that it is a 90 degree angle?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Investigating y = (-2)^x 2020-01-13
Gonzalo pose la question :
This is not precisely a maths question, but it is formulated based on my maths curiosity. Fidgetting with my new graphic calculator, I started graphing things and had the idea to graph $y=(-2)^x.$ The result surprised me, and I thought a little bit about it, stored it on the back of my brain, and promised myself to look deeper into it someday.
Harley Weston lui répond.
What is the smallest 4 digit number? 2020-01-10
Ullas pose la question :
What is the smallest 4 digit number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The difference between two number is 7 2020-01-07
Jaypercey pose la question :
the difference between two number is 7 find the two number if the larger 3times the smaller
Penny Nom lui répond.
What do you call a 43-sided polygon? 2020-01-06
Alniko pose la question :
What do you call a 43-sided polygon and what is its interior angle's total measure?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The equation of a line 2020-01-05
coco pose la question :
Good afternoon If relationship between total cost and the number of units made it linear ,and if costs increases by 7$ for each additional unit made ,and if the total cost of 10 units is 180$ .
Find the equation of the relationship b/n total cost (Y) & number of unit made (x).

Penny Nom lui répond.
Dividing the tips 2020-01-02
Pat pose la question :
trying to figure out division of tips I have 3 full time employees 40 hrs a week and 1 part time worker 12 hours a week what percentages do i give them to give them appropriate tips :-)
Harley Weston lui répond.
A circle, a point, and a tangent line 2019-12-31
Faisal pose la question :
A circle has radius 10 units and passes through the point (5,-16). The x-axis is a tangent to the circle. Find the possible equations of circle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sabrina's age 2019-12-31
Nakyi pose la question :
The sum of Sabrina’s age and twice her sister’s age is equal to their mom’s Age. If Sabrina’s sister is two years older than her and their mom is 37, how old is Sabrina?
Penny Nom lui répond.
81^5 as a power of 3 2019-12-29
NA pose la question :
How do we turn 81^5 into the power of 3?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A scale drawing 2019-12-28
Boris pose la question :
If the scale drawing of a car park is drawn to a scale of 1cm representing 7m and the car is 133m by 93m, find the length of the drawing
Penny Nom lui répond.
Partitions of a set 2019-12-21
Ghani pose la question :
1. Are set partition "sets"?

2. If they are so then, why are both {{a}{b,c}} and {{a,b}{c}} said to be valid partitions
of A ={a,b,c} despite them having different elements?

(I understand that set are equal if they have the exact same elements).

Thank you!

Harley Weston lui répond.
10 miles in 2 minutes 2019-12-20
james pose la question :
how fast would you be traveling to go 10 miles in 2 minutes?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Volume of a tree 2019-12-19
Maria pose la question :
I have trees for sale. I need to calculate the volume of a tree from base which is wider than the stem.The base will be used for the making of hurleys, similar to hockey sticks so the wider base is crucial.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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