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The equation of a circle 2014-08-14
jennifer pose la question :
hi there My name is Jennifer and residing in Denmark. I am a student and I wrote to you because i am having trouble in finding out the equation for the circle using (x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2 =3D r^2.The diameter of this circle is d=3D 44,514 cm. I have attached a drawing of my problem..thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
What percentage of 317 million is 1.2 million? 2014-08-13
Danielle pose la question :
I would like to know what percentage of 317 million is 1.2 million.
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Distance, speed and time 2014-08-13
abdel pose la question :
Mac walked to a park from the college at 5 km/h. 10 minutes later, Steve started riding his bike at 15 km/h to the same park to meet Mac. They arrive at the same time at the park. How far is the park from the college?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
1/3 of $320 2014-08-13
Student pose la question :
Please help I got tutor for selective and this question is really bugging me a lot what is 1/3 of $320?

plez answer quick before I fail :(

Tyler Wood lui répond.
Speed, distance, time 2014-08-13
Aarti pose la question :
a theif running at 8 km/hr is chased by a policeman whose speed is 10km/hr.if the thief is 100 m ahead the policeman then what will b time required for the policeman to catch the thief?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
How do you convert square mm to square cm? 2014-08-13
David pose la question :
How do you convert square mm to square cm?
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Ratios ond percents 2014-08-13
aswathi pose la question :
if the ratio of cost price and selling price of an article is be as 10:11,the percentage of profit is
Tyler Wood lui répond.
Golf for 10 2014-08-12
Fred pose la question :
We have 10 golfers playing 4 rounds: one 4-some and two 3-somes each round. Can you suggest the best distribution of players?
Victoria West lui répond.
Golf for 15 2014-08-11
Brian pose la question :
I am trying to arrange 5 rounds of golf for 15 golfers. We will play 5 in a group, 3 groups per round, 5 rounds. I would like everyone to play with everyone else. Secondary objective would be for no one to play with anyone else more than 2 times.

Thank you.

Victoria West lui répond.
Multiplication in base five 2014-08-07
Alise pose la question :
Hi Maths Central!

I was wondering if you could help me with multiplying in base 5. I have read a question previously answered by you in regards to this but got fairly confused by it and was hoping you could help me with my question.

My question is: Multiply 1422 base 5 by 21 base 5 keeping these numbers and answer in base 5.

Would you also be able to explain how to get to the answer?


Penny Nom lui répond.
4821x14y is an 8-digit number divisible by 72 2014-08-06
RAYA pose la question :
if 4821x14y is an 8-digit number divisible by 72. How many values can x and y take?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A chord and an arc of a circle 2014-08-06
Luis pose la question :
Hello I am trying to figure out how to get chord lengths of quarter points for a circle. I work with large diameter circles and I need to be able to find chord length from 0 degrees to 90 degrees, 0 degrees to 270 degrees, 270 degrees to 180 degrees and 90 degrees to 180 degrees. Can you please use 100ft. diameter as example and work out the problem. I'm sorry if I use wrong terminology, I'm really bad at math . Thank you in advance for your time and help I really appreciate it.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The area of a quadrilateral 2014-08-06
Rahul pose la question :
find the area of the quadrilateral whose side measure9cm,40cm,28cm,15cm and in which the angle between the first 2 sides is a right angle
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a kite 2014-08-04
Janis pose la question :
How do you calculate the area of a kite with the diagonals 24cm and 48cm?
Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a rectangle 2014-08-03
Jamaica pose la question :
if the perimeter of a rectangle is 30m and its area is 56 m2.find its length and width?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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